Hello all. I had my second ultra sound on Wednesday. We have a cutie patootie of an 8 week old (technically I'm 9 weeks now). Of course you can't make much out but the baby is growing and has a strong heartbeat. I have been struggling with fear and not wanting to blog about it, but I say NO to fear and say YES to the miracle the Lord has given us.
Every time I ask the Lord why something strange is happening or something I'm not sure about, He always replys "Do you trust Me?" I say yes Lord! Another word He gave me was that He is mighty to save. So I have spoken that over my baby and womb everyday! Faith comes by hearing you know.
I had another Healing Room appointment and felt fear leave me, but it has tried desperately to get back in. Trying to find other avenues and ways to knock me off my game. I rebuke all fear and you are not allowed back in! In Jesus name!
So this is what is going on with my life. Wonderful growth and life in my womb. What's happening in yours?
Congratulations!!!!! Pregnancy is truly an amazing experience... and motherhood is a joy beyond description!! Praying for you as you follow Him!