Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 15: Our journey to the fasted lifestyle, pt. 25

We are slowly but surely making it back to the right path.  We ate out twice this week which is getting closer to the mark.

We learned a lot this week through warfare, repentance, and pressing.  

1.  Things will come at you when you least expect.  The enemy can attack in any way, shape, or form.  
2.  Eating your emotions is not a healthy way to deal with your circumstance (one of the times we ate out).  
3.  Close friends and family are priceless!  A friend who will pray for you is invaluable.
4.  There is a definite need for people who will mirror a healthy, honest image of you back to yourself.  If you have mud on your face and you don't have a mirror who will tell you?  A true friend.
5.  Meditate on the Lord's thoughts for you and no one else's.  
6.  Bitterness hinders revival (and miracles).  Turn from it, repent, and you will see true freedom.
7.  A snippet from the message at church today:  Prayer and fasting is not a substitute for obedience.  (Will expand on that in a little bit).
8.  There is no Junior Holy Spirit.  Some kids will blow you away with their knowledge and wisdom.
9.  You don't know your strength until you are tested.
10.  Envy causes the Lord to crush the object of envy in order to produce compassion. (Finished up reading Envy by Bob Sorge.  LOTS of wisdom and revelation!)

We have so much to learn about God's will.  That's the ultimate lesson this week.  

As for the snippet from the message- The revelation is that we can fast and pray but if we are not obedient, then the fasting and praying won't produce what we are desiring.  The Lord cannot move without obedience.  
Another pastor wrote on his facebook status:  "If your intentions don't lead to obedience then your good intentions are just hidden rebellion"-Luke Holter.  Yikes!  So I'm really rebelling when I don't walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit.  How many times have I said, "Lord, I will get to it" and never really do.  So today, I'm restarting this whole thing.  

As I'm walking out obedience, I'm contending for many things, but mostly I contend for a transformed life.  A life that brings glory to God.  

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