It is hard to forget a day like 9/11/2001. It will be forever etched in our memories. The photos, the video footage, the sounds and screams. It's so vivid.
I'm personally glad that we can remember such a tragedy and carry it with us. Mostly because it means we are not dead inside. The world has been desensitized to so many things, but this is one of our last remaining moments that make us truly feel.
Passions are stirred when we hear of protesting because of 9/11. I know mine was. I felt the indignation of a mosque being built near Ground Zero. I felt extreme sadness when I heard of a pastor, a Christian, wanting to burn the Quaron.
Both of these issues really touched me deeply. I do not agree with a mosque being built so close to Ground Zero. I do feel it is a slap in the face to the survivors and it shows our ignorance of what the Muslim world is capable of. When they conquer a land, they build a mosque there. Do we not see a connection here? If they want to build one, build it somewhere else. This is too solemn of a place to build near.
Then there is the pastor who retaliated by wanting to burn Quarons as a form of protest. How ridiculous! There are so many facets to this lack of logic that just baffles me. First of all: How are you showing God's love by performing a blatantly hateful act? If anyone feels this man is justified in his hatred, they obviously do not know the Father's heart. He loves us all. This does not mean He does not hate sin or idolatry. He absolutely does, but He does not want us going around spewing hate for hates sake.
Secondly, the point was brought up that our own military burned Bible's last year in Afghanistan. Muslims always burn our flag or Bibles as well. So why can't we do it? I will tell you why we can't "return the favor". Because vengeance is not ours. It is the Lord's. He says so specifically many times in the Bible. Do not repay evil for evil. God will take His vengeance in His time and in His way. Who are we to circumvent His will? This would just put us at their level. We are called to be more than that. We have a higher purpose and by doing these things we would be grieving God's heart.
Thirdly, an act of this magnitude is endangering people all over the world. By Muslim law, every American and Christian would have a target on their back. They would kill anyone remotely associated with our country and religion because of their belief that they have a duty to kill any of us on sight.
I am glad to hear that the Florida pastor changed his mind, but sadly there are still people planning on going through with the plan. I hope the Lord reaches out to them and opens their eyes and ears. I pray that they can turn back from this hatred and focus on Jesus, the true Prince of Peace.
And just to clarify, I do not agree with the Islamic faith. I do not think that they are a people of peace. I believe they are misguided by Satan. But I love them. Because Jesus loves them. We are to be the light of the world and are to teach others about Christ. What better way to do it than to tell the lost how much they are loved?
Ok, I'm off my soap box. Had to get that off my chest.
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