Entering new seasons can be difficult. Trying times are abundant because you are operating in a new way. It may be that you have made the season change to be a stay at home mom or enter full time ministry (in the sense of working for a ministry). It could be that the Lord is leading you into a deeper intimacy with Him.
Whatever that season may be, we all encounter times of struggle. It's like birth pains as you transition. Something is being born in your spirit that has never been there before. Of course that means some pain, pruning, and walking through some wilderness.
One thing most people struggle with during season changes is trust. Trust that the Lord will provide the means to plant the harvest, that the drought will not kill the crop, and that the harvest will be abundant. The main obstacle to trust is fear. We see things in our natural circumstances that cause us to lean on ourselves and forget God's goodness.
Matthew 14:29-31 (New International Version)
"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
Oh, how we are like Peter. FREAKING OUT when things seem impossible. How is it that I am walking on water? This seems impossible! Oh look it is impossible because I'm sinking! And what is Jesus's response.... Stop that! You know I'm always here. What's wrong with your way of thinking that you would doubt Me? Haven't you seen all that I have done?
When we are going into a new season, we are asked to get out of the boat and walk on water. Something we thought we would never be able to do. He says trust Me, I won't let you sink.
I know for me, going into this new season of intimacy with the Lord there have been so many things I thought I would have to live with. The Lord is showing me that's not true. I don't have to live in fear, I don't have to always battle my thought life. I can be free. But what does freedom look like? I have never walked ontop of the "fully set free" waters. (I say fully set free, because I have had measures of freedom.) Which in turn makes me have a Peter freak out moment.
I want this season. It is going to be great and I'm so glad the Lord has led me to this place. I want to follow Him all the days of my life. I don't want doubt to ever enter my mind. So I walk on the water straight to Jesus.
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